If you’re on Instagram, this question should pique your interest. Here’s the question; if I view someone’s Instagram profile, will they see how many times I viewed it?
Instagram is one of the largest social media platforms in the world, and it has billions of active users. The platform has over 2.4 billion active members.
You might have secret admirers on the platform. They may view your profile multiple times per day. So, how do you know if someone has viewed your profile and the number of times they have done so?
In this post, we will share more information about the Instagram profile view saga. Here is how the platform operates.
Can Someone See How Many Times You Viewed Their Instagram Profiles?
They won’t know. Yes, you read that right. Even if you view the person’s profile multiple times, they won’t know that you actually viewed their profile.
Furthermore, even if the person was online when you viewed their profile, they won’t even know that you did such.
Instagram Privacy
Instagram is one of the social media platforms that takes its users’ privacy seriously. Security-wise, Instagram uses advanced security infrastructures to protect its users.
The social media platform takes the privacy of its users seriously. Therefore, when someone views your profile, you won’t know who viewed it.
The only information you’ll find is the number of views your video gets. That is your view count. But you won’t know the name of the person who viewed your profile or even videos.
Instagram uses this privacy feature to protect its users’ identities online. This privacy feature also encourages more views and engagement on the platform.
People know their identities won’t be exposed when they view other users’ profiles or videos. Of course, this alone will encourage them to keep being active on the platform.
Can An Individual See That You Have Viewed Their Page on Instagram?
The way Instagram works is that it doesn’t allow its algorithm to share statistics of profile views or stories. That is why even if someone watches your video fifty times, it will count as one view.
So, Instagram will never notify you about the person who viewed your profile. The platform doesn’t work that way.
But there is a catch. If you have an Instagram business account, you should have access to some crucial information about your viewers. This sort of account has what is called “insights.” With insights, you’ll have detailed information about your account’s effectiveness.
Insights will give you important information about your account, such as profile views, activeness, and account interactions.
Another interesting thing about the business account is the fact that you can learn about accounts to view you. Below are details you’ll find.
- The region of the viewers
- Video views
- Gender
- Age
- Likes
- Comments
- Top locations
A Handy Tip: If you have a business, opening an Instagram business account is the best thing to do. A business account on Instagram offers more analytical features than a personal account.
The business account gives you access to advanced tools for content performance and audience insight. Learn how your audience is interacting with your content, including their demographics and more.
The Risk Posed By Third-Party Applications
Every Instagram user would love to know the people who are viewing them. They could be a secret admirer or celebrities whose attention you have been seeking. In any case or circumstance, knowing who viewed your profile can be hugely important information for many Instagram users.
The desire to know who viewed a profile has forced many to seek alternatives. And many have started flooding the internet with apps, claiming to proffer a solution.
Should you consider third-party apps to find out who viewed your Instagram profile?
While using third-party applications seems appealing, it is not a great idea. Why? The safety of your account isn’t guaranteed. So, anything can happen to your account.
Many of these third-party apps also deliver erotic outcomes, making them less valuable. Then, Instagram’s robust security architecture is introduced.
Instagram’s API Graph and stringent data policy should give anyone planning to use third-party apps an idea that it won’t deliver the needed results. Instagram won’t even allow a bunch of unknown third-party applications to jeopardize its users’ security.
Here are the risks you stand to face when you use third-party applications.
1. Phishing attacks and serious security breaches:
Before you allow a third-party site to gain access into your account, think about your privacy and security. You’re about to give an unknown app, whose owners you don’t know, access to your Instagram account.
You’re giving an unknown application access to your online realm when you don’t even know the intentions or integrity of the owners. They could steal your login credentials and take over your account.
Your login details, chats, videos, images, and other private information about you could be public. So, it’s risky to give third-party applications access to your Instagram account.
2. Third-party applications can’t crack Instagram’s security:
If a third-party application tells you that they can give you information about who viewed your profile, know that they aren’t telling the truth. Instagram and other popular social media applications out there take users’ privacy seriously.
So, Instagram can’t trade its reputation by allowing a third-party application to compromise the privacy of its users. That’s why they can’t give access to any unknown third-party applications.
Note that there is no third-party application that can breach Instagram’s security or reveal the private information of people who view your channel. They will only present fake details, not the real details of your viewers.
Can People See That I Viewed Their Instagram Posts If We Are Not Friends?
Instagram allows users to have two types of accounts. One is private, while the other is public.
What makes the private and public accounts different?
When an account is private, people who aren’t followers can’t view the content or comment on any post the account holder publishes. In other words, you must be a follower to see the activities taking place on a “Private Instagram account.”
The public Instagram is, as the name implies, “public.” This means that anyone who is on Instagram can see your posts, like, share, and even comment on them.
Now, let’s go back to the question.
Can people see that you viewed their Instagram posts if you are not friends?
Instagram doesn’t work like that. Even if you aren’t friends with someone and view their posts or profile, they won’t know that you viewed them. Even if the person’s account is private or public, they won’t still know that you viewed their post.
But note this: when you like or comment on someone’s post, they will see your name. Even if you un-liked the post later, they will still receive a notification that someone liked their post.
A Handy Tip: Keeping an Instagram account private isn’t a good strategy for a user who wants to grow their account. Most people won’t even bother following you if they discover that you made your account private.
The quality of your content is one of the things that will lure people to spend more time on your Instagram page and start following you. So, if your account is private, people won’t know if following you is going to be worthwhile.
Most people may choose to make their accounts private once their follower count has increased. But know that by making your account private, you’re hampering your growth on the platform.
Tips For Privacy-Conscious Instagram Users
Are you concerned about your privacy on Instagram? Because of your status, you want to keep your tracks on Instagram a secret. That makes sense. However, here are tips you should follow to achieve that.
1. Switch to private to main profile privacy: Do you want to control who views your profile on Instagram and don’t? Or you don’t want everyone to view your profile? The simple thing to do is make your account private. That way, only those following you will see your activities, like, share, and comment on your posts.
However, know that making your account private will hamper your growth on the platform. Many people won’t follow you because they can’t see the value you’re offering.
2. Stop viewing stories: This might sound like we’re trying to ask you not to have fun on Instagram, but that isn’t the case. We are only saying this to keep your tracks on Instagram private.
When you view someone’s stories, you’ll appear on their viewers’ list. So, if you don’t want someone you’re hiding your identity from to know you viewed their posts, avoid viewing stories.
Note that when you view people’s stories, you are immediately added to their viewers’ list. And there’s nothing you can do about it. You can’t un-view an Instagram story that you have viewed. That’s the saddest part.
3. Mind your interactions on people’s posts: If you want to keep a low profile on Instagram, stop engaging on people’s posts. Note that activities such as likes, comments, and shares will blow your cover. In other words, the owner of a post can see those who liked, shared, and commented on a post.
Will Instagram Notify Me If Someone Takes A Screenshot?
You can take screenshots of Instagram users’ posts, stories, and even profiles. They won’t know that you’re the one or even took a screenshot in the first place.
Instagram doesn’t notify profile owners when someone takes a screenshot. So, you’re safe. You can take screenshots of as many accounts as you like.
A Handy Tip: WhatsApp makes it impossible to take screenshots of people’s profiles and posts. So, maybe Instagram will introduce the same in the future.
Keeping Your Instagram Activities Private
If you’re someone who prioritizes privacy, Instagram is a great platform for you. It offers diverse tools and settings you can take advantage of to customize your posts so that only a few people can view your content. You can also keep your account private.
So, here’s how to keep your Instagram activities private.
- Switch account to private: Switch your Instagram account from public to private. That way, only those following you can like, share, and comment on your posts. Your followers might not grow faster when you keep your account private, but making this move will enhance your digital privacy.
- Manage the visibility of your stories and posts:
You can customize your Instagram account to control who remains on your followers list. You can also manage users who are permitted to send you message requests.
Can someone see how many times you viewed their Instagram profile? No, Instagram users cannot see how many times someone viewed their profile. You won’t even know the person who viewed your profile or how many times they viewed your profile.
On the contrary, if someone views your Instagram stories, you’ll be able to see them. You’ll know that they viewed stories, as it will be counted as views. Even if that person views your Instagram stories a thousand times, the platform will count it as one view.
Most third-party applications claim they can help Instagram accounts find out who viewed their profiles and how many times. Please, don’t fall for such scams. Instagram won’t even allow a third-party app to have access to their security wall.
So, there’s no way such apps can help you find out who viewed your profile and how many times. Giving access to third-party apps is a huge security risk. They could steal your login details and jeopardize your privacy.