Recently most people have been asking, is internet explorer a search engine? You probably want to change your default search engine but aren’t seeing internet explorer on the list.
Search engines are a part of our daily life. Humans are so dependent on these search engines for answers and or solutions.
Every PC comes with a default search engine, and the most popular is Google. Other powerful search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, etc.
Changing your default search engine to your most preferred one is easy and only takes about 60 seconds. Before going into much detail, find out,
Is Internet Explorer a Search Engine?
Internet Explorer is a web browser and not a search engine. A web browser is application software that allows users to access information from web pages.
A search engine is a type of website that allows users to search for content available on the internet. Search engines use keywords to retrieve information. It then gives it to your web browser (internet explorer interprets and displays it.
Additional Information
There are several types of search engines, and each has its web browsers. For example, Google is a search engine, and its browsers are Mozilla Firefox (best) and Google Chrome. On the other hand, Bing by Microsoft is a search engine, and its browser is the internet explorer.
What Are The Best Five Search Engines Today?
People use search engines daily as they browse. A search engine will filter information and give you the most precise results. However, most people don’t notice the usefulness of search engines.
A good number of people don’t know if there’s something known as a search engine. Regardless they are critical for your internet experience.
Google is the most popular search engine today. Its dominance makes people think it’s the only search engine.
Surprisingly there are other powerful search engines out there. Here are the best five search engines.
1. Google
It’s the best and most popular search engine in the world. The search engine is also among the most popular Google products. Today, Google dominates other search engines; it covers almost 90% of the market.
The tech giant has an amazing team that is always evolving/ improving. Google has outstanding features that enable it to provide the best experience to its users.
It has a simple interface and cutting-edge algorithm that make it outstanding. You can also personalize your user’s experience.
2. Bing
It is Microsoft’s answer to the dominant Google. Microsoft launched the web browser in 2019, and today it ranks second in popularity and usability. The margin between Microsoft and Google in market share is still so broad.
As much as Bing strives to be better, it still has a long way to go to offer google good competition.
The search engine offers amazing and unique features for its users. They include maps, web, ads, videos, and news searches. Its users also accumulate points, which are redeemable on Microsoft stores.
3. Yahoo
Years ago, Yahoo was more popular than Bing and was the fiercest competitor of Google. Today it has dropped in rank to third. Yahoo and Bing compete a lot with each other more than they do with Google.
According to reports, Yahoo’s market share is at approximately 7.68%. However, the fall of Yahoo is due to poor leadership.
Today, Yahoo leads as a free email provider, which is also significantly failing because of security issues. According to reports, hacking users’ details and passwords is easy.
Regardless its web portal is still popular. Yahoo also has impressive website catalogs, clean results, and a good interface.
4. Baidu
The search engine is the most popular in China. A Chinese entrepreneur Eric Xu founded it in January 2000. It is top tier and has been experiencing an increased number of users.
It offers search results for cloud storage, news, map, etc. Baidu has an easy-to-use interface with several search options and offers superior quality results.
5. Yandex
The search engine launch was in 1997 and is the most popular in Russia. It also has a great presence in Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.
The parent company of Yandex specializes in technology. It offers intelligence products and services that utilize machine learning.
The web browser holds about 65% of the market share in Russia. Yandex services include Yandex Music, Yandex Maps, Yandex Money, online translator, etc.
What Are The Best Five Web Browsers Today?
There are several types of powerful web browsers in the market. But to find the ideal web browser for your device, you must look at features like speed and privacy.
Some browsers demand too many system resources, while others are lightweight. Some websites offer a full suite of security tools that protect your data. Contrastingly others allow ads and cookies to run unchecked.
It would be best to choose a browser depending on your device’s capabilities. Plus, the browser should meet your personal needs. Here are the best five web browsers in the market.
1. Mozilla Firefox
It is powerful and almost every person’s favorite browser. People commonly refer to Mozilla Firefox as Firefox. The web browser holds 1/3 of the shares in the global browser market.
Firefox is the most secure and fastest web browser. It has several versions, but version 90 is surely its best. It alerts if there’s a known data breach on your email.
The version also blocks annoying notification pop-ups. Additionally, it also blocks browser tracking. Firefox has endless customizations regarding appearance and the plugins and extensions you can use.
It’s highly adaptive and doesn’t lag like other web browsers. It has solid and smooth hardware that increases the user’s experience.
2. Microsoft Edge
The older generation is more familiar with Microsoft Edge. It was the best web browser then, leading to the rise of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
It’s the exceptional chromium engine that makes Edge unique. Microsoft Edge is the default web browser for Windows devices. But it also has versions for Mac, Android, and iOS.
The latest chromium-powered version is much faster and has great features. They include read-aloud, media casting, amazing start page (Opera-style. It also has add-ons like ad-blockers, password managers, etc.
It’s possible to download web pages as apps. You can then use them as stand-alone applications without launching the entire browser. Therefore using platforms like Twitter and Google Docs will be easier and more fun.
It’s customizable and particularly on the privacy and service page. Overall, Edge is similar to Chrome in terms of looks and how it works.
But it is noticeably faster than Google Chrome on Mac devices and has amazing customization options.
3. Google Chrome
Google Company adopted the chromium engine with its popular browser, Google Chrome. Google intended to push Microsoft out of the market. However, Microsoft’s browser, Edge, still beats Chrome noticeably in resource usage.
Chrome is highly demanding regarding resources. This makes it slow on low-end RAM and hardware.
It even features “Tab freezing” to address this issue. It automatically freezes background tabs hence limiting unnecessary usage of resources.
On the contrary, Chrome is a brilliant browser. It has superb cross-platform support, add-ons, autofill features, and other amazing developer tools. It gives a warning if your email is compromised.
Chrome blocks dangerously mixed content like images and scripts. It also features a secure DNS lookup that identifies compatible providers.
4. Opera
From its start page, Opera is a great and easy-to-use browser. It’s also a chromium browser and thus offers speedy performance.
It also has some unique and interesting ideas like Flow. The idea is ideal for people that spot things and want to check them later.
Opera has several amazing features, but the best was Opera Turbo. It’s no longer in the desktop browser.
The Opera Turbo could compress internet data like images. Therefore you could experience faster loading even on poor internet.
Today the feature is only available on mobile phone browsers. Opera has a power-saving mode that helps to increase your device’s battery life.
It has some unique features that competitor browsers adopted, such as pop-up blocking. The latest Opera update has a more refined design and integrates apps like Facebook Message and WhatsApp. This makes Opera an all-in-one browser for its users.
5. Apple Safari
It is a web browser for Apple products and ranks the fastest worldwide. Thanks to its powerful Nitro engine. The Apple Safari also has amazing features that aren’t present in most browsers.
In addition to its great browsing, it is power efficient and has powerful privacy protection. However, its features aren’t easy to use, and you pay to access it.
The article offers the answer to is internet explorer, a search engine. Well, internet explorer is a popular web browser. But funny enough, some people can’t differentiate between a search engine and a browser.
Therefore they might find it difficult to classify the search engines and web browsers. These two tools have different usability, installation, components, accessibility, etc.