Free Meta Description and Meta Title Length Checker Online

This is the best meta description and meta title length checker to check the character count and optimize your page title and description tags. Bonus: Text Counter


Title Tag and Meta Description Length Checker Tools

Helpful tools for measuring the length of meta titles and descriptions, including a rapid character counting tool.

Meta Title Length Checker - Title Tag

Input your meta title in this space to ensure it falls within the 50 to 65 character range, aligning with Google's upper limit for title length.

Character Count: 0 / 65

Meta Description Length Checker

Aim to maintain meta descriptions close to the advised length of 155 characters to prevent them from being cut off in search engine results.

Character Count: 0 / 155

The Best Meta Title And Meta Description Length Checker

Do you know why you need this meta title and meta description length checker? It helps you determine how your title and description tags appear on Google searches. 

It is essential to ensure Google displays your page’s entire meta description and title tag. Truncating any portion of your title tag or description will make them incomplete. As a result, people and the Google search engine won’t understand your webpage’s content. 

Here, we’ll discuss how to use this simple tool and tips to write better title and description tags. Keep reading for more information. 

What Is The Meta Title and Description Length Checker?

Title and description tags are essential aspects of any page. They are important for SEO and can have a massive impact on your click-through rate. 

Your title and description tags must be well-written. Remember, these two parts of a webpage helps Google and potential visitors understand what your content is about. 

This title and description length checker is a free tool to help ensure you stay within the character limit when writing your meta titles and descriptions. 

The recommended word count for a meta title is 50 – 60 characters, while for meta description, it is 150 – 160 characters. 

Note that you can exceed these character limits. In other words, you can write longer meta titles and meta descriptions. Google won’t penalize you for that. 

But two things may happen; 

  • Google will only display 60 characters of your meta title and the first 160 characters of your meta description. It will truncate the rest.
  • You may lose an excellent opportunity to optimize your title and description tags. It might happen when you mistakenly incorporating your keyword in the truncated parts. Another is the clarity of your meta description and title tag. If both aren’t information and clear, readers and search engine won’t know what the content of the page is about. 

Using this tool, you can ensure your title and description tags are within the word limit. It will enable you to edit them, and add relevant keyword. 

This tool will ensure you continually optimize your title and description tags to increase website visibility, traffic, and click-throughs. It won’t help you place your keywords in the tags, but ensure you incorporate them within the recommended character limit. 

How To Use This Title and Description Tags Length Checker

This meta title and description character limit checker is simple to understand and use. 

Here is how it works:

Copy and paste your meta title  

Title Tag IMG-1


Here is the result you’ll get when you place your meta title text here. 

Title Tag IMG-2


If the title tag characters exceed the recommended maximum, ensure you edit it. 

Google won’t penalize your website if your meta title exceeds the recommended characters. It will only truncate the excess characters. 

The recommended character for the meta title is 60. Thus, Google will only display 60 characters (with spaces). If you go above this number, you’ll be wasting your time.

How does the meta description length checker work? The process is the same as the meta title. 

Below the meta title is the meta description length counter. 

Meta Description IMG-1


Please copy the text (meta description) and paste it on the description length counter.

Meta Description IMG-3 

You can see what the counter did. On entering the meta description, the counter revealed the character count. 

With this tool, you can rest assured that you will stay within the recommended number of characters. It will also help you optimize your meta description to increase your website’s visibility, organic traffic, and ranking. 

Reasons You Should Use This Meta Title And Description Length Checking Tool

Meta descriptions and meta titles are essential to every webpage. These two sections of your page enable Google and users to understand the content of your web page. They can also influence your click-through and ranking.  
There are several reasons every website owner should consider using this tool. Check them out below. 

1: This title and description tags length checker is free:

This tool is free, and you can access it from anywhere. You don’t need to pay a dime to check your title and description tags. Just enter your text, and it will automatically display the results for you. 

In other words, it will indicate if your meta title or meta description exceeds the recommended character. That is how the tool works. 

2: Check multiple meta titles and descriptions in no time:

Another thing that sets this tool apart is the speed at which it displays the results. Just enter your meta title or meta description, and the result will be shown to you within a second. 

You can check multiple title and description tags with this tool. It all depends on how fast you can copy and paste the text on the website. You’ll get the result within a second. 

3: User-friendly interface:

The user-friendly interface makes it easier for users to navigate and quickly check their meta titles and description tag length. 

The meta title and description length checker are on the same page. Of course, you’ll need a meta description and a meta title for every content. With this tool, you can check both tags simultaneously. 

4: Optimize your meta description and meta title tags to increase online visibility:

Adding relevant keywords in your meta descriptions and titles is vital for SEO. The keywords help to describe pages’ theme. 

This tool doesn’t help to add keyword in the meta description or title. It will also not give you keyword suggestions. That’s not how it works. 

It works by ensuring you stay within the character count for your meta title and description. It ensures you adhere to the recommended character limit and incorporate your keyword. 

Always ensure you stay within your meta title and meta description character limit. Do not exceed the limit. Google won’t consider how captivating your title or description is. It expects you to stay within the recommended character. .

So, endeavor to remain within the recommended meta title length and include your keyword.  

The impact this tool can have on your website SEO is massive. It will help ensure you write a meta description and title that reflects your content and include relevant keyword within the character limit.    

5: Bonus tool: Quick Text Count:

This software comes with a bonus tool called “Quick Text Counter,” which determines word count. It is a simple-to-use tool and free to access.   

What Title Tag Means: 

The title tag is part of the on-page SEO strategy. You’ll find it on the webpage’s HTML code.   

What the title tag does is simple. It gives a descriptive or informative summary of the webpage’s content. Users can have some authentic ideas of what the page is about via the title tag. 

You’ll find the title tag displayed on the title bar or tab of your browser. 

The title tag is clickable. It takes you straight to the web page when clicked on. 

The title tag is the first thing you’ll encounter when searching for a topic online. You need a well-written meta title to boost click-through rate and online visibility. 

In plain terms, the meta title summarizes the content of your webpage to users and search engines. They give an idea of what your content is all about. 

Google search engine can only rank your site when it understands your content. So, since meta titles help Google search engines determine what a page is about, it contributes massively to ranking.  

Google has even made us understand that meta title tags are a ranking factor. In other words, they can affect your site’s ranking. 

What meta description means 

A meta description is part of a website’s metadata. It is a critical aspect of every webpage that you should pay attention to. 

The text the arrow is pointing at is the meta description. That small group of text underneath the meta title in a search query.

Users can choose the webpage that matches their search intent via the meta description. In other words, they can decide if the content on a webpage is what they seek by reading the meta description. 

Your meta description is a concise and accurate summary of your content. It helps visitors to have an idea about your content and make an informed decision. 

Meta description plays a huge role in attracting visitors to a website. It impacts your click-through rates and the webpage’s visibility. 

 Is meta description important for SEO? Yes, it is. Besides providing search engines with information that can help them understand the content on a webpage, they help influence click-through rates. 

A well-written meta description will improve a website’s click-through rate. It will encourage more people to click and visit a website. 

Now, here is what happens when more people start to visit your website. It signals Google search engine that the website content is high-quality, valuable, relevant and deserves a place at the top of the search engine results. 

This will encourage Google search engines to promote your webpage to the top. Search engines want to keep showing users their best and most valuable content. If your content appears high-quality, ranking will likely increase. 

Is Meta Description A Ranking Factor?

No, meta descriptions aren’t a ranking factor. However, they are important for SEO. Meta descriptions are used to create snippets that let searchers know what your content is about. 

Meta description enables you to stand out from your competitors in SERPs. A well-composed meta description will encourage more people to visit your website. 

How To Write An Effective Meta Title 

Your meta title is an integral part of your webpage. It is a ranking factor and can influence click-through rates. 

Below, we discussed how to write a better meta title to improve click-through rates.  

1: Stick to the recommended length: 

The meta title’s recommended length is 50-60 characters with spaces. You can write longer. But remember, Google will only display a maximum of 60 characters. 

A meta description with most of its texts truncated will appear incomplete to readers, making it difficult for them to understand the content of the page.  

2: Put relevance first:

Ensure your meta title is relevant to the webpage’s content. It should be a reflection of what the content is about. 

3: Incorporate relevant keyword: 

Incorporate the relevant keyword in your title tag, but ensure it flows naturally. Avoid keyword stuffing. Google hates it. 

4: Make your title clear and readable:

Use the proper capitalization and avoid errors in your meta title. Make your meta title more straightforward to understand.

How To Write Effective Meta Description:

How can you write a better meta description to impact ranking and organic traffic positively? Follow the tips below. 

1: Stick to the recommended word count:

You can write any length of meta description you want. But remember that Google will only display a maximum of 160 characters with spaces. It will truncate the rest. 

Your meta description should be 150-160 characters long and nothing more. 

A Handy Tip: Don’t make your meta description too short because you want to stay within the character limit. An extremely brief description will make you unable to include relevant information to help people understand your webpage’s content. 

Use this meta description length checker free to ensure you stay within the recommended character limit. 

2: Write a relevant meta description:

Relevance is vital when writing meta descriptions. You need to provide a summary of the webpage’s content. Your meta description should be a reflection of the content. Try not to mislead people. 

3: Choose your words carefully: 

Consider every word you incorporate in your meta description. Use action-packed and persuasive words. Meta description allows you to get creative and capture people with text. So, use it well. 

4: Incorporate keyword:    

Add relevant keywords that match users’ search queries to increase your website’s chance of appearing in SERPs. 


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